Support Us

There are lots of ways to support YKSAR!

1) You can volunteer as a searcher or provide organizational support (e.g. working bingos, doing bookkeeping, writing grants, or managing volunteer records).

2) You can donate to us by email transfer to this account ( The email account has been set up with automatic deposit. Please make it clear in the message of the email that this is a donation (as opposed to membership fees, or other payment).

3) You can donate your bottles/cans:

Bottle Depot – Drop and Go Instructions for YKSAR membership

The only information you will need is the account’s phone number: 647-287-8099.

1. At the Yellowknife Bottle Depot, visit the Drop and Go kiosk to sign into YKSAR’s account by entering the phone number 647-287-8099.

2. The account on the screen will say: Yellowknife Search and Rescue Jacqueline Mo (because they needed a Board contact associated with the account, and Jackie signed us up!).

3. Follow the instructions on the screen to enter the number of bags you’re dropping off; the kiosk will print the same number of labels (stickers).

4. Attach 1 label to each bag or box of recycling and place on the sorting table for later processing – and go!

YKSAR relies on grants and donations to cover some of the costs of organizational administration and equipment. We appreciate all the support!